Five Tips to Choose the Right Commercial Plumbing Contractor

Functioning plumbing is something that almost everyone takes for granted on a daily basis. No matter what type of business you own, from restaurants to an office, experiencing a plumbing emergency will quickly grind your business to a halt. Without working plumbing, you will lose money, have a hard time retaining employees, and can risk turning customers off of coming into your establishment.

The best way to make sure this doesn’t happen is by choosing the right commercial plumbing service. Businesses across the country rely on commercial plumbing maintenance to ensure that their plumbing runs smoothly, doesn’t have any major failures, and doesn’t build up any issues that can turn into major expenses over time. Let’s look at what a commercial plumbing contractor does, why they are so important for businesses, and how to choose the right one for you.

Commercial plumbing contractors

Why You Need Commercial Plumbing Services

If you think that businesses only call a plumber out when plumbing emergencies rear their ugly heads, as most households do, you are mistaken. Because businesses can suffer greatly from missed profits and lost customers from even a few days of being shut down, it’s a better idea to hire a plumber for regular commercial services and maintenance. The other issue is that often the plumbing in businesses sees more use than residential plumbing or might have special needs.

No matter what service you provide or what industry you are in, plumbing issues are certain. From clogged drains or pipes, water heater installations, leaky faucets, to clogged toilets, the list just goes on and on. Luckily, commercial plumbing services can greatly help with a regular plumbing maintenance schedule along with the capability to quickly respond to any issues.

Before looking at how to find the best commercial plumbing contractors for you, let’s take a look at some of the most important parts of a commercial plumber’s job.

Installations and Repairs

Plumbing is always breaking, new fixtures or appliances may need to be installed, and a water supply will need to be maintained. Installing or repairing necessary equipment for businesses, even large appliances like a boiler or water heater, is one of the most important commercial jobs for a plumber.

Regular Maintenance

The goal of any business is to make a profit. Needing to pay huge costs for catastrophic plumbing emergencies can take a major chunk out of this profit. That’s why many businesses hire contractors, who can perform regular maintenance, notice and fix issues before they get out of hand, and conduct service inspections like testing for leaky pipes before water damage occurs.

Specialized Equipment

Some commercial establishments, like restaurants, have extremely specific and sometimes difficult plumbing needs. Rather than rely on a series of different local plumbers who may or may not understand issues that require certain expertise and services, like how a grease trap or interceptor keeps solids and grease from clogging pipes, it’s better to hire the right commercial plumbing service that will understand the issues and needs of your establishment.

Drainage and Sewage

One of the most important parts of plumbing is making sure that dirty water goes where it is supposed to without mixing with clean water. In businesses, this becomes especially important. Commercial properties can have larger and more complicated drainage and sewage systems that can only be maintained efficiently by a commercial plumber with the right experience and knowledge.

Water Conservation

Another increasingly important role commercial plumbing services fill is making sure that the business is eco-friendly, isn’t wasting water, and is meeting all environmental impact laws and guidelines. Hiring the right commercial plumber who is trained in water conservation can save your business money in the end, prevent fines or other issues, and help you establish credibility as an eco-friendly business.

Choosing the Right Commercial Plumbing Service

It’s easy to see why so many businesses rely on the services of commercial plumbers. Even besides the basic jobs listed above, there are dozens of other critical plumbing services your business needs that you might not even be aware of. Commercial plumbing contractors can help with water pumps, winterization, installing plumbing fixtures in high-rise buildings where residential plumbers might be at a loss, and much more.

However, it’s important to make sure that you choose the right commercial plumbing business for your needs. Let’s look at the best tips and tricks to find the perfect plumbing professionals for you.

Hire commercial plumbing services

Tip #1: Check Experience

When choosing the right commercial property plumbing company, it’s best to go with a company that knows what they’re doing and has the expertise to prove it. Commercial plumbing repairs and installations can be much more difficult than residential plumbing services. From buildings with multiple levels, differences in scale, the need to meet more regulations, and the immediate impact plumbing failures can have on customers, you want someone with experience doing your commercial plumbing work.

To find the right experienced company, it can be helpful to get references from past jobs the company has already finished. A company that has successfully completed a construction plumbing or commercial plumbing installation job will have a better chance of meeting your needs than a brand-new company, so checking out their past projects can be a good start to getting a handle on their level of experience and expertise.

Tip #2: Ask About Your Needs

Commercial plumbers have a lot of potential jobs they will need to be able to do. While a typical household plumbing job will be able to do most jobs with standard tools, you will want to make sure that your residential contractor can meet all of the specific needs that your building has.

For example, drain cleaning at a business can be more difficult, sewer lines see more use, maintenance services can require specialized tools like water jets to clear pipes, faucets can become clogged, and many other issues. The good part about contracting commercial plumbing services is that the cost will be lower in the end, as these issues and repairs can add up very quickly when they become emergent.

Tip #3: Pricing Transparency

Before you contact commercial plumbing contractors or replace the one you currently use, it’s a good idea to make sure that there are no hidden fees and that their pricing plan is transparent and easily understandable. Commercial plumbing maintenance can help save you money in many ways, but you need to be smart about it just like any other professional service. Before any plumbing installation takes place, you should receive contracts or estimates about the cost of labor and materials along with exactly what work will be done.

Tip #4: Professional Standards

When choosing the right commercial plumbing services, it’s important to make sure that they have insurance and all of their certifications and licenses are up to date. Commercial plumbers must follow a rigorous training and licensing program, as certain jobs like commercial water heater repair can be more difficult than a typical household plumbing job. Before plumbing repair starts, it’s a good idea to confirm that all of these standards are met.

Tip #5: Reputation Matters

Plumbing repair is a difficult job, with a lot of variables that can cause delays and issues. You will want to make sure that your plumbers have a good reputation within the industry and can complete an installation or repair successfully. Before contracting the services of plumbers, browsing through their reviews and getting a feel for how satisfied people were with their service is always a good idea.

Commercial plumbing pipes

Don’t Leave Your Plumbing to Chance

The commercial plumbing industry is here to help you. Rather than wait for an expensive emergency repair or installation, commercial plumbers can help you replace and repair a commercial water heater, drains, pipes, faucets, or any other issues you may have more efficiently.

No matter what type of repair you need or commercial establishment you work at, these services will save you time, money, and effort. From a construction site to the restaurant industry, everyone will need plumbing services eventually. It’s best to keep up with regular maintenance services and not let repairs get out of hand, as the expense will only increase.

Even if you don’t have any clogged pipes or a necessary repair at this moment, it’s safe to assume that you will at some point. The best part about commercial plumbing is that it heads off issues before they become serious and cause your business to lose money and customers.

So, if you’re a business owner or considering opening a business, one of the first things you should consider is how you will deal with your commercial plumbing installation, repairs, or any other issue you may have. This will help you succeed, save money in the end, and ensure that your workdays run smoothly with no issues. Contact experienced and licensed commercial plumbers today and get the process of figuring out your needs today!